INDUSTRY INSIDER | August 1, 2024

Enjoying the Olympics? Check Out These 10 Former “Odd” Olympic Sports

Original Source:FocusOn Landscapers

Back in the year 1896 was when the Olympic Games started. Over the years the hairstyles and attire for sports have changed. Some of the sports have even been discontinued for various reasons and there are a few people who might miss them because they where interesting and other people might not miss them at all because they were just bizarre. Here is a look at some of the top ten odd Olympic sports throughout history.

10. Tug of War

The Tug of War was a sport that was held in the Summer Olympics. It was done yearly at the Olympiad between the years 1900 to 1920. A club would enter the competition and because a club could enter it a lot of medals might be won from it. In the year 1904 the USA had a glorious year because the USA won three medals for Tug of War. The British team ruled in the year 1908 and took home most of the medals. Tug of war first had only six members and then in 1904 they had five and right before the sport was discontinued at the Olympics they had 8 members on the team.

9. Jeu de paume

Back in the year 1908 in the Summer Olympics was the sport called Jeu de paume. The Jeu de paume was the only sport event at that time to win medals. Longue paume was the version for it outdoors which demonstrated the Summer Olympics in the year 1900. It took two countries to compete against each other and at the Olympics Great Britain competed against the USA and USA took home the gold. When Jeu de paume first started players would only use their hands in order to hit the ball before the racket was evented for the sport.

8. Live Pigeon Shooting

It is hard to believe that this kind of event would be at the Olympics but back in the year 1900 they did have the sport live pigeon shooting. In the video clip above you can view a quick second of how they dressed and the gun that they used in order to do this shooting at 0:34 seconds in the video. The winner of this event was determined by whoever shot down the most pigeons and right before the event started the pigeons would be released.

7. long jump just for the horses

In the year 1900 when horses would do the long jump. The jumps did not seem to be very impressive so this sport did not last for long in the Olympics. Many people were disappointed as to how this sport ended up working out because they would put in a lot of time trying to train their horse for this sport.

6. Basque pelota

The year 1900 held many odd sports at the Olympics. Another sport that took place in the year 1900 was Basque pelota. It sometimes gets revived and was last revived in the year 1992. Two teams have to compete together in this sport. When this sport was played in the year 1900 the score some how got lost over the years and it is unknown as to who won in this event.



5. Rope Climb

In the years 1896, 1904, 1906, 1924 and in the year 1932 was when rope climbing happened. The first year that it happened just two men competed against each other. In order to do this sport the competitors would have to be shimmied up to the rope and then they would have to go up to the top as fast as they could. They got judged by both their speed plus the style and Nikolaos Andriakopoulos won the gold for rope climbing.


4. Roque

Croquet was contested at the 1900 International Exposition in Paris and is usually considered an Olympic sport that year. In 1904, croquet’s American variant, roque, was held at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition and is also considered an Olympic sport. Roque is a variant of the sport croquet, and the name is derived by dropping the initial “c” and the trailing “t” from the name of the sport, croquet. The event was held at Francis Field, the main Olympic Stadium on the campus of Washington University in St. Louis. Croquet, or roque, has never again been contested at the Olympics, and there are no plans for this in future.

In the year 1904 was when Roque was held at the Olympics. The USA competed in this event. Roque can be played on either a clay court or it can be played on sand that is hard. It is an odd sport but yet at the same time it is very fun to watch.

3. Motor boating sports

Motor boating sports happened in the year 1908 and it was just featured one time at the Olympic events. In the year 1900 they did use motor boating sports as a demonstration sport. When the competition was taking place they were faced with some very bad weather and plus a gale started blowing when the competition was happening. The above picture is the race committee for the year 1908 with boating.


2. Club Swinging

This event was done in the year 1904 and in the year 1932. Competitors in this event would use ribbons, clubs, hoops, balls and rope. A competitor stands with the club in both hands. The clubs don’t leave the hands like they do when you juggle them. The routine was important because that is how judges awarded the points. It was a very unique sport to watch and there are actually a lot of people who would love to see this sport back in the events.

1. Solo Synchronized Swimming

Weird, Odd or is Solo Synchronized Swimming just cool despite it not making a lot of sense? This event happened on the years 1984, 1988 and in the year 1992 when they tried to revise it back in the sports. The competitors in this event do music routines in the water. The part that is considered to be synchronized is when the movements that they did would be in line with the music.