INDUSTRY INSIDER | August 1, 2024

Man Charged With Shooting Davey Tree Worker, Leading to Standoff in Northwest Chicago Suburbs

Original Source:CBS News
Michael Lang, 55, was charged with attempted murder and aggravated battery with a firearm. Lang surrendered around 9:40 p.m. at his house in the 800 block of South Braintree Drive.

The shooting happened at 2:50 p.m., following a quarrel over noise between a contracted tree trimmer and a neighbor. Police and prosecutors said Lang yelled at the landscapers for making too much noise and told them to leave.

Cook County prosecutors said the workers told Lang they were almost done, and he walked to his car in the driveway and retrieved a silver revolver, which he pointed at one of the workers, and said “I told you to leave or one of you is going to die.”

Police said Lang then shot one of the workers, a 66-year-old man from Hanover Park, in the stomach. The victim was taken to an area hospital with a gunshot wound. Prosecutors said the victim was treated for a single gunshot wound, a fractured spine, a ruptured liver, and internal intestine damage.

The Davey Tree Expert Company said the victim was one of its employees on a job site.

“Our focus is on the health of our employee who was transported to the hospital. Davey Tree will be cooperating with authorities and thanks them for their quick response and service toward keeping our communities safe,” Jennifer Lennox, director of public relations for The Davey Tree Expert Company, said in a statement.

Police and prosecutors Lang barricaded himself in his house after the shooting and would not come out. Police asked that people stay inside during the standoff, but some neighbors were seen outside watching anyway.

Schaumburg police called for assistance, and multiple law enforcement agencies descended on the area at once.

“It’s from all different townships,” said neighbor Sam Saia. “They’re all over the place.”

SWAT team members were positioned at different locations, including behind a shield on an armored truck or a tree. All had long guns drawn.

Neighbors described hearing repeated requests of a woman using a law enforcement speaker, asking the suspect to come out.

“‘Michael, Michael, where are you? Pick up the phone! Pick up the phone!’ I guess they have his number, so somehow they got his number, so they’re calling him,” said neighbor Sean Weeks. “Nobody knows who the lady—was it someone that’s brought in, a professional perso,n to do that? Is it a mother? Is it a sister? Is it a coworker? I’m not sure what.”

Prosecutors said Lang’s parents, who live at the home with him, returned home around 4:35 p.m. and were told what happened. They told police Lang had guns inside the home, but they were unaware of any mental health issues.